Poetry Haiku Folk Tale Quotes
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Sen's Poetry

To love and be in love with my beloved love
is the mind cherishing of the single mind of no thoughts
the frequent thoughts that arise are diminished
with the awareness of the beloved that constantly dances within me
I am always delight to be alone with her
that too when perfectly too close with her 

Every time she touches me I am so enthralled
I am sad when she hides me with her free hairstyle

In those days I can’t see anyone or anything
I pray every day she should have a bun hairstyle

So I am visible to all and all admire me
all use to say I am pretty on her which I love to hear 

I love to see her bashful face when someone praises me
I hate those nights when she leaves me alone in the jewel box

I long the night to disappear with the warmth of the sun
I love to twinkle on her ears wherever she goes
Beauty my ornament
as nature my wisdom

Divine my thoughtless state
as wisdom my headless state

Wishes are my selfish
as desires are my ego

Silence my language
as bliss my breath
Travel around the world and bow the land
that acknowledges the knowledge for there exist poverty not

Travel around the world and embrace the land
that adores the children for there exist angels and fairies

Travel around the world and salute the land that strives
not to hurt others feelings for there exist exuberance beings

Travel around the world and appreciate the land
that creates equal opportunity for there exist talent

Travel around the world and honor the land
that values humanities equally for there exist peace and harmony

Travel around the world and shed tears of joy
in the land that treats challenged people with high care;
for there exist divine beings fixing the nature's imperfection

Travel around the world and kiss the land
that revere the elderly for there exists abundant wisdom;
therefore yield me a piece of land for me to rest in peace
I claimed to the rose that my honey is unrivaled
for the scent of my beloved is unmatched
to the fragrance of the rose
while her honey lips the rose long to possess

and poor are the bees that surround
in vain on the rose
and the multi-colored texture of my beloved
I yet not recognize in the

every petal of the rose
and I stopped deceiving when I saw
my beloved as a distant rainbow
nearing me with elegance and grace

holding the rose in her hand
she came and hugged me in taut and I intently breathe
the fragrance of the rose
along with the traces on her forehead

she lovingly handover the rose to me
with love and a smile
Let prose speaks through my mind and
my heart sing for poetry

Let me walk holding your hand
in praise of prose

But be with me to dance
to the tune of my poetry

Let you be confined to
what is said in the prose

But let your imagination flies
through the hidden clues of my poetry
How I fell in love with you my dear
for I capitulated by your captivation
feuded within me your elegance won
overwhelming love for passion on you

For the depth of love or intense of divine
hunger to unite within the spirit
for to ever exist pine to unite my soul
make me eternal my benevolent love

Wish to perish with an everlasting love
make me soon unite with you for I seek
the eternal love the spirit I love
wish to wither I dare not care my love
No I don’t know when
I will meet my love

Of my dream
Maybe yes or maybe not

Oh when will I meet?
The dream of love

I don’t know where
And when I will meet

Of my dream
May be this street end

Or across the continent
Oh I don’t know how

I will meet my dream of pain
May be now or then

May be just live and leave
Without meeting

She is the dream of my love
And she is the dream

Of my passion and desire
She is the dream of my wish

She is the dream of my dream
Of my love you are my love

Ever and ever I dream
Only with you in mind
For the eyes or brows or eyes and brows
and for those of flawless beauty clads with impeccable clothe
from past to this and this to next for the love I vows 
who is not in affinity to the opposite force like a moth

For the elegance of slender waist and the hands that sway
the belly and ballet dance that meet at bright 
and the symmetry grace that makes ever to pray 
the pores that sweat the beads of cascade with its might

And those earthly perfumes that miss to match the scent
for those cosmic dance on the dais those earthly eyes that fix
the tail of the peacock that stretch to match but only years that spent
rather admits to dance if it showers and not try to mix

while those dance that twilight and the bird that cite
why should I stop to praise while many other lionize
Untie not
your cascading hair
for to not
cast the spell

Look me not
with powerful eyes
for to not
have the restless nights

Touch me not
with your sensual breathe
for to Not
uproot me

Imprint not
with the scar of your nails
for to Not
remind the close

Tell me more
the epics of Love
for to seek 
the gift of my birth

Show me now
the traces of love
for to know 
the wisdom of birth